Ontario Association of Orthodontists
OAO e-Bulletin
January, 2024
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Message from the President
Joel Schacher, OAO President

Happy New Year...

On behalf of your Executive, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of the Orthodontists of the province and their staff a Very Happy New Year.  May it be healthy and prosperous for all.  

Quick notes:

The Work Place Shortage Initiative with respect to the Level 2 Orthodontic Assistants expanded duties is ongoing and is progressing.  Members of the executive have been involved in lobbying on your behalf, and headway is being made. This is foremost on your Executive's Agenda as we realize that it is of paramount importance to all of our practices.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan is still in the early stages of its rollout, and input has been put forth by many dental organizations. The opinions are varied regarding how orthodontics should or could fit. The OAO has been in contact with the CAO as the CAO seeks input from the provinces. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or opinions that you may have regarding this issue. 

Our next AGM Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Biennial Scientific Meeting in Niagara-on-the Lake in the late spring. Details are in this Bulletin. With Dr. Neal Kravitz as the headliner and the great facilities of The Queens Landing and Stratus Winery, this will be a weekend not to be missed. Spaces are still available!

Finally, please check the dates in this Bulletin of some up-and-coming orthodontic modules being offered to Level 2 Dental Assistants. Our Level 2 Assistants love contributing to their practices and these courses certainly allow for expansion of those contributions. 

I look forward to seeing you all in person in Niagara-on-the Lake! 

Kind Regards,

Dr. Joel Schacher
OAO President 

It's time to renew your OAO Membership for 2024
Member renewals are due at this time of the year. We have some exciting new incentive renewal options and other exciting updates. Click here to view your options and renew your membership now! 
2024 Scientific Meeting
The 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting will be held May 31-June 2 at Queen's Landing in Niagara-on-the Lake. Wineries, theatres, cycling and a full day with Dr. Neal Kravitz! Learn more and register at oaomeeting.ca
Continuing Education | Southern Ontario Dental College (sodentalcollege.com)
An upcoming Orthodontic Dental Assisting Course will be offered on Jan 27th & 28th in Hamilton. Click here for course info and other offerings throughout the year. Dr. Melissa Sander's video can be viewed here
Orthodontic Procedures for Level II Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists 
University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry
Feb 23-25, 2024. Click here for details.
Practical Orthodontic Skills for Level II Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists 
Prep Doctors
Click here for info.



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