Ontario Association of Orthodontists
OAO e-Bulletin
October, 2023
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Message from the President
Joel Schacher, OAO President


Here's hoping that you all had a great summer and are ready and recharged for the fall season, which is well underway for your Ontario Association of Orthodontists Executive. I wanted to take the opportunity to bring you up to date on key issues that your executive has been working on.

We have been active over the last number of months working with senior-level staff in the Ministry of Health and the Premier's Office continuing to advocate for scope of practice changes in the Dentistry Act as it relates to Level 2 assistants. To date, our efforts have been met with relatively positive support, but we continue to wait for advice from the Premier's Office on the next steps. If changes are to be made with legislation, we will know well in advance as to where they may fit in the overall legislative calendar. We continue to be in day-to-day conversations with the government. We did receive many letters through grassroots engagement from Ontario orthodontists, supporting the need for these changes in conjunction with the American and Canadian Associations of Orthodontists. Thank you to all of you who sent letters. These letters are both encouraging and helpful.

We are currently working on an updated version of the OAO informed consent brochure and we will be beginning our OAO membership drive shortly.  We need membership support from all Ontario Orthodontists. Watch for creative details on both items in the coming months and in the next OAO e-Newsletter. 

Finally, I hope that you have all reserved your calendars for the upcoming OAO Fall Business Meeting at the Old Mill on November 16th at 6 pm. It would be great to see everyone for dinner at the meeting as we all did prior to pandemic times.

That is all for now and stay well.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Joel Schacher
OAO President 

Call to Action 
Join us in-person (or virtually) for the OAO Fall Business Meeting on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at The Old Mill Toronto.
This evening event includes dinner, OAO Business Meeting, and a presentation "SMALL ADJUSTMENTS. BIG IMPACT. Creating resiliency and happiness within the workplace" by Rose Adams. 
Click here for details and register now!
2024 Scientific Meeting
The 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting will be held May 31-June 2 at Queen's Landing in Niagara-on-the Lake. Registration is now open! Super Early-Bird rate is available to OAO members until December 31. More at oaomeeting.ca
It's time to renew your OAO Membership for 2024
Member renewals will be due January 1, 2024. Keep an eye on your email for some exciting new incentive renewal options and other exciting updates.  
Bylaw Update - Conforming to the updated Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) 
OAO is registered as a Not-for-Profit corporation with the province. Introduced in 2010, ONCA outlines guidelines for Ontario not-for-profit corporations concerning their formation, governance, and dissolution. An update to ONCA officially came into effect on October 19, 2021, and like all Ontario corporations, OAO is required to make necessary changes to our articles and bylaws in order to comply with the new regulations. Dr. Brenda Chekay is taking the lead on this along with Chris Gray from the law office of Day and Borg. 
It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of OAO member, Dr. Bill Mercer, on July 16th, 2023. Click here for details. 



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For sponsorship opportunities, email shirley@oao.on.ca


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