Ontario Association of Orthodontists
OAO e-Bulletin
August, 2023
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Message from the President
Joel Schacher, OAO President

Hello OAO Members, 
Hope you are having a great Summer so far. 
Here are a few updates to keep our membership informed of the activities that are important to our profession. 

RCDSO's IPAC special considerations (including COVID-19)
As of July 19th, the College’s Covid-19 specific guidance for in-person care has been rescinded (see the message to the membership). While this is an important step to reduce the burden of additional precautions on dental practices, it does not mean that dentists no longer have IPAC responsibilities with respect to Covid-19. Click here for the chart about the obligations. 
Clarification on the CE points offered for the Core1 Lecture held on June 8th 2023
This is to confirm that our attending members are eligible for the 3-hour, 3-point presentation. When you go into the RCDSO e-portfolio to enter this course, you need to select the 3-hour 3-point version under the Core 1 drop-down with the 2-hour version on top of the 3-hour. 
Upcoming Level II Assistant Courses for Orthodontic Assistants and Hygienists

University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry

Oct 27-29, 2023 

Feb 23-25, 2024 

Prep Doctors

October 2023

Core 1 Lecture 
The next virtual Category 1 Core lecture will be held in October. Stay tuned for the date and topic. 
2024 Scientific Meeting
The 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting will be held May 31-June 2 at Queen's Landing in Niagara-on-the Lake. Registration is now open! More at oaomeeting.ca



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For sponsorship opportunities, email shirley@oao.on.ca


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