Ontario Association of Orthodontists
OAO e-Bulletin
April 14, 2023
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Message from the President
Girish Deshpande, 2023 OAO President

Hello OAO Members, 
Spring is here and so is the warmer weather. Hope these incessant April showers bring us lots of May flowers!
Here is the second E-bulletin to keep our membership informed of the activities that are important to our profession. 

Canada Dental Benefit Plan
Your board is engaged in activities with ODA/CDA/CAO to ensure that orthodontic treatment continues to be included as a part of the dental benefit program. Click here for complete info about the Canada Dental Benefit Plan. 
Miminum Wage Update
The Government of Ontario has announced that, on October 1, 2023, the general minimum wage in the province will rise to $16.55 per hour. This rise, from $15.50 per hour, amounts to a 6.8% pay raise for workers earning the minimum wage.

However, for the federally regulated private sector, the minimum wage was raised to $16.55 on April 1, 2023. The federal minimum wage applies to the federally regulated private sectors, including banks, postal and courier services, and interprovincial air, rail, road, and marine transportation. More

What does it mean to us? Your staff may ask for increase in their pay wages. So let's be prepared!
Staff Shortage Update
Your board is working hard and trying different avenues to allow dental assistants to increase intra-oral duties. We are working with AAO and approaching the Ministry of Health to amend the Dentistry Act to effect this change. This will take time but we will keep chiselling at it bit by bit.
Green Initiative
Since our last spring board meeting, the board has been in contact with various aligner companies and hoping to get an action plan in place for recycling the aligners and plastic models. Stay tuned!
New Practice Listings
Find out more about business opportunities in Toronto. Click here to go to Marketplace.
AJODO article on TMD 
An informative special article was published in AJODO last June on TMD and we wanted to share it with our membership. Here is the link or the article.
June 8 Core 1 Lecture 
Join us on June 8 at 6 pm for a virtual Category 1 Core lecture, "Patient Safety Incidents and Adverse Events: Be prepared". Register here.
2024 Scientific Meeting
The 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting will be held May 31-June 2 at Queen's Landing in Niagara-on-the Lake. Mark your calendar and hold the dates! More at oaomeeting.ca



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A big Thank you to our sponsors for supporting OAO. It is much appreciated. We would like our membership to keep the sponsors in mind the next time you have an orthodontic grocery list!

Looking forward to seeing you all virtually for the Core 1 lecture on June 8. It's going to be a doozy!

With fond wishes,
Dr. Girish Deshpande
Your OAO President

Thank you to our Partners


For sponsorship opportunities, email shirley@oao.on.ca

Have a question? info@oao.on.ca
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